Welcome to the SNU Spiritualist community of South Wales. The Southern district covers the counties to Glamorgan, Gwent and Dyfed. There are 17 Spiritualist Churches/Centre with around 600 members in our district and almost 150 individual Spiritualists who are members of the SNU.

Main contact details, meetings and events are listed below:

Mrs Sandra Jarrold DSNU
78 Wood Road
Mid Glamorgan
CF37 1RJ

Tel: 01443 491071
Email: [email protected]


Individual Membership Enquiries:
SWDC Members Representative
Mr Anthony Leeson OSNU

Tel: 01446 420629

Email: [email protected]


Meetings & Events

OGM 5th October 2024

Executive Committee

President & Education Officer Vanessa Follett CSNU

Email: [email protected]

Vice-President Anthony Leeson OSNU

Tel: 01446 420629

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer Sandra Jarrold DSNU

Tel: 01443 491071

Email: [email protected]

Secretary & Council Representative Sandra Jarrold DSNU

Tel: 01443 491071

Email: [email protected]

Individual Membership Representative Anthony Leeson OSNU

Tel: 01446 420629

Email: [email protected]

Committee Member  Donna Niblett



Committee Member Trudy Harris

Elective Auditors

Lesley Murphy