Introduction to Safeguarding

An informative and advisory video for SNU churches, members & affiliates, Vice President of the Spiritualists' National Union,  Minister Julia Almond takes you through an overview of exactly what safeguarding is, and why it is important.


Safeguarding Posters

Below are the two posters designed to be displayed in your Church, one with important contact numbers and one with checklists to ensure your commitment to safeguarding your SNU Church.


Our Policy



Safeguarding Roles


District Safeguarding Co-ordinators

District Council Member of the Ministry
East London  Min June Hughes, Min Simone Key 
West London Lorraine Gilbert Grey OSNU 
East Midlands Min Libby Clark 
West Midlands Lyn Edwards OSNU 
Northern Andrea Dunn OSNU 
Manchester Min Julia Almond 
North Lancashire & Cumbria Min Lynn Bradley 
Merseyside & North Wales Vacant
Scottish & Irish  Min Eamonn Andrews 
Southern  Min David Bruton 
South Western  Pat Seymour OSNU 
South Wales Lyn Edwards OSNU 
North Yorkshire Marie Lisseman OSNU 
South Yorkshire  Min Libby Clark 

Cause for Concern Form 1 Cause for Concern Form 2

Form 1: Record of concern about a child/adult’s safety and welfare

Form 2: Record of concern about a child/adult’s safety and welfare


All SNU Churches and affiliated bodies will have received hardcopies of our policy and posters in the post, if your Church hasn't received them please contact our Head Office
