SNU Digital Development Scheme - Stage One Applications Now Open!

As you may have recently seen in our recent update video, we’re very excited to be rolling out the first stage of the Union’s exciting new Digital Development Scheme.

If you haven’t yet seen the video, you can watch it now by clicking on the following link -

Today, we are thrilled to be opening applications for the first stage of the scheme - for a free, centrally-provided SNU email address and inbox.

For more information on the DDS, a breakdown of the future steps, and to apply, please use the form below:

If the form appears too small on your browser, you can access it directly outside of this window by clicking on the following link:

We are extremely excited to be rolling out this fantastic new initiative, as we continue on our promise to put our churches and centres at the front of our efforts, and to help support you all in this digital age!

PLEASE NOTE - The Digital Development Scheme is being rolled out incrementally. As is explained on the form, inboxes will not be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. As such, we cannot guarantee a turnaround time for any application. Please be patient and bear with us, as all applications will be actioned.

First published Wednesday 11th September 2024.