CAS - Church Accreditation Scheme

The Church Accreditation Scheme (CAS) is not an award but is necessary for a candidate who wishes to progress through to Leadership and Management awards. This Accreditation is a continuous assessment scheme. 

There are eight sections covering twenty-four subjects that a candidate must complete by gathering evidence of competence against the criteria laid down in their logbook. A candidate can attend training sessions arranged by EEcom approved trainers in churches, at the Barbanell Centre in Stafford or online. A candidate must complete the training programme within three years.

Before applying for the final assessment, a candidate must have completed the LM1 Education course (or G1 if completed after 31 Dec 18 with a grade B pass or higher, (the LM1 course is included in the price of the CAS) and the appropriate training. The Final Assessment is arranged by EEcom. A candidate must complete a private interview and an oral test of ten questions based on course LM1 and basic knowledge of the running of an SNU affiliated Church or a Pioneer Centre. A candidate must also chair a Church Service, give a prayer at that service and both choose and deliver a reading appropriate for a Church service.