Pioneers of Spiritualism


A range of 50 high quality cards which feature well-known faces from the history of spiritualism. Read more

A Pot Pourri of Spiritualism


A selection of miscellaneous thoughts suitable for readings and discussion. Read more

The Lyceum Manual


This Manual is designed to be a thoroughly practical work. inculcating the leading ideas of the progressive and spiritual teachings of the day For use in progressive Lyceums connected with Spiritualists’ Churches and Kindred Bodies. Read more

Pearls of thought and wisdom


Pearls of thought and wisdom Read more

Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson


Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson Read more

Alfred Kitson - The final chapter


The final part of Kitson’s autobiography published for the first time. Kitson starts to explain the driving force behind the early Lyceumists and gives an insight into the trust that they placed in the spirit teachers who visited them. Read more

Basic Spiritualism


Basic Spiritualism A Lyceum Publication Read more

Adult Projects and Workshops


A Lyceum Publication, Adult Projects and Workshops Read more

Autobiography of Alfred Kitson


Autobiography of Alfred Kitson Read more

Proverbial Proverbs as viewed by Stanley Bond


A look at proverbs, familiar and obscure, with an interesting slant, certain to make you think. Read more

Seven Principles Poster - A window into Eternity SRA3


Drawn by artist-medium, Mr W Foster Morgan, largely under the influence of Mrs Emma Hardinge Britten. The new “Seven Principles” Emblem of the Spiritualists’ National Union is a symbolic representation of the meaning of Spiritualism for the modern age. Read more

Lyceum Manual Study Guide - Alfred Kitson


Lyceum Manual Study Guide A Lyceum Publication Read more

Leaves from an Autumn Diary


A selection of philosophical musings by Minister Bob Kitching Read more

Modern Spiritualism - W.H Evans


Modern Spiritualism - W.H Evans Read more

That Reminds Me - Ernest W. Oaten


That Reminds Me - Ernest W. Oaten Read more

The Unwilling Martyrs - Mariam Buckner Pond


The Unwilling Martyrs - Mariam Buckner Pond Read more

From Christian to Spiritualist a Lyceum Publication by Molly Biggin


This book is not just a story; it is the story of a family group and the transition from orthodox Christianity to Spiritualism. It tells of the changes in life for a couple, him spiritualist and her Christian. Read more

Celebratory Days - Project Book for Lyceums


Celebratory Days - Project Book for Lyceums Read more

Hydesville by Brian Hastie


Hydesville by Brian Hastie - A Lyceum Publication Read more

Dear Emma


A Lyceum Publication by Doris Davey Read more

Growing Up


Growing Up - by Frank Breakspear A Lyceum Publication Read more

Seek to know more the Spiritualism of the Lyceum Manual


Seek to know more the Spiritualism of the Lyceum Manual Read more

A sketch of David Richmonds Life


A sketch of David Richmonds Life Read more

The Lyceumists' 1st BOOK OF SPIRITUALISM


The Lyceumists' 1st BOOK OF SPIRITUALISM Read more

Junior Handbook for the young Lyceumist


Junior Handbook for the young Lyceumist A Lyceum Publication Read more