Pearls of thought and wisdom


Pearls of thought and wisdom Read more

How to write a thesis


A step by step guide to extending your Spiritualist education Read more

Trustee Handbook


The SNU has enjoyed charity status for some years. Now our Affiliated Churches with incomes of over £5,000 need to register with the Charity Commission as separate charities. The Charity Commission is the regulator of the charity sector. Read more

Guidance for Students


This booklet is designed to help students to improve their study skills whether you are tackling a SNU course after leaving education for a long time or you are a more experienced student and getting along well but have certain areas that you would like to improve. Read more

How to take minutes


For all SNU Churches keeping a record of meetings is a necessary and vital part of being effective. Minutes provide an accurate written record of actions and decisions taken at a meeting for future reference. Read more

Alfred Kitson - The final chapter


The final part of Kitson’s autobiography published for the first time. Kitson starts to explain the driving force behind the early Lyceumists and gives an insight into the trust that they placed in the spirit teachers who visited them. Read more

Primrose Hill - Jon Parry


It's mid winter and care home resident Mary Peters is missing. Detective Sergeant Danbury finds an old diary dated 1916 in her room. It tells a story of life on the home front and the never ending love between Mary and Francis, a solider in the Great War. After reading the diary, Danbury thinks he knows where Mary might be, and races to find her before the weather claims her. Read more

A Pot Pourri of Spiritualism


A selection of miscellaneous thoughts suitable for readings and discussion. Read more

Ancient Magic and Modern Spiritualism


A faithful reproduction of an original publication from The Two Worlds Publishing Co Ltd. Featuring an address delivered at the Winter Soirees in London by Emma Hardinge Britten, on December 4th, 1865. Read more



Your regular Union update, News, reviews and comments from around the Union, keeping you informed of the what, where and how of your SNU – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Read more

Proverbial Proverbs as viewed by Stanley Bond


A look at proverbs, familiar and obscure, with an interesting slant, certain to make you think. Read more

Breathing Techniques for Self Healing by George Moon


This booklet was written a number of years ago by the SNU Guild of Spiritualist Healers (now superseded by the SNU Healing Committee) by George Moon DSNU(h) before his passing to spirit. He was an active worker for the SNU Guild of Spiritualist Healers and the propagation of Spiritual Healing in the London area. Read more

SNU TODAY Magazine Nov 2020


Your regular Union update, News, reviews and comments from around the Union, keeping you informed of the what, where and how of your SNU – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Read more

The Science of Mediumship by Trevor Davey


A comprehensive review of every known form of mediumship. The science and logic of these communications. Read more

Mini Hymn Book


SNU Hymn book Read more

Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson


Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson Read more

Leaves from an Autumn Diary


A selection of philosophical musings by Minister Bob Kitching Read more

Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Trevor Davey


The aim of this book is not only to provide information and guidance (without being dictatorial or promoting a particular way of thinking) but also to generate ideas and thoughts for students of Spiritual Understanding to consider in their investigations. Read more

21st-Century View of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism ITALIAN TRANSLATION


L'idea alla base del nuovo layout è di aiutare coloro che entrano nella religione dello spiritismo ad avere una migliore comprensione del significato e dell'intento dei sette principi dello spiritismo. Read more

21st-Century View of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism GERMAN TRANSLATION


Die Idee hinter dem neuen Layout besteht darin, denen, die in die Religion des Spiritualismus eintreten, zu helfen, die Bedeutung und Absicht der Sieben Prinzipien des Spiritualismus besser zu verstehen. Read more

21st-Century View of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism


The idea behind the new layout is to help those coming into the religion of Spiritualism to have a better understanding as to the meaning and intent of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism. Read more

The Religion of Spiritualism


This is the second publication by the Philosophy and Ethics committee of The Spiritualists' National Union, the first being Philosophy of Spiritualism which explored the Seven Principles of Spiritualism. Read more

SNU 2024 Diary & Year planner


A very handy book for any member of the Spiritualist National Union over 200 pages of information detailing all our Churches, committees awards and history. Includes a 3 year diary. Read more

Visits by our friends from the "other side"


Tom writes; "The purpose of this book is to share with as many people as possible the wonderful experiences of our Family Home Circle in Middlesbrough from April 1946 to the mid 1950s; to interest those not actively involved in psychic matters and to help and encourage those who are. Read more

The Creed of the Spirits


Throughout Emma’s life she had generally claimed that her creeds/principles were evolved through Spiritualism and given through her mediumship by the spirits. Up until around 1887 these principles would vary in description and numbers. This booklet is simply to give the key points from original materials about the development of her principles. Read more