Introduction to Spiritualism


All you need to begin your journey as a Spiritualist! includes a valuable introduction to the history of the movement, including insights into the Seven Principles, mediumship, education and how the structure operates today. Read more

21st-Century View of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism


The idea behind the new layout is to help those coming into the religion of Spiritualism to have a better understanding as to the meaning and intent of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism. Read more

On The Side Of Angels - Gordon Higginson's Life Story


Gordon Higginson’s birth was ordained -by the spirit world. Now none would dispute that he is Britain’s best-known medium, one whose gifts include not only trance and clair­voyance, but the dramatic faculty of materialisation when the so-called dead literally appear in the seance-room to be reu­nited with loved ones. Read more

Philosophy of Spiritualism book


The book may challenge some existing philosophical ideas and stances on the SNU Seven Principles. It may be that those who are sceptical of the claims of Spiritualism will come to understand why so many people follow its philosophy. Read more

The Religion of Spiritualism


This is the second publication by the Philosophy and Ethics committee of The Spiritualists' National Union, the first being Philosophy of Spiritualism which explored the Seven Principles of Spiritualism. Read more

Colour in Health and Disease


Colour in Health and Disease Read more

The Creed of the Spirits


Throughout Emma’s life she had generally claimed that her creeds/principles were evolved through Spiritualism and given through her mediumship by the spirits. Up until around 1887 these principles would vary in description and numbers. This booklet is simply to give the key points from original materials about the development of her principles. Read more

A Pot Pourri of Spiritualism


A selection of miscellaneous thoughts suitable for readings and discussion. Read more

A Report of the Mysterious Noises


Heard in the House of Mr. John D. Fox in Hydesville, Arcadia, Wayne County, authenticated by the certificates, and confirmed by the statements of the citizens of that place and vicinity. Read more

Breathing Techniques for Self Healing by George Moon


This booklet was written a number of years ago by the SNU Guild of Spiritualist Healers (now superseded by the SNU Healing Committee) by George Moon DSNU(h) before his passing to spirit. He was an active worker for the SNU Guild of Spiritualist Healers and the propagation of Spiritual Healing in the London area. Read more

Harold Sharp Auragraphs - The Complete Collection: Vol 1


One hundred of Harold Sharp's Auragraphs spread across two volumes, carefully reproduced from his original journals, this is the first time a definitive collection of Sharps auragraphs have been available in book form. Read more

Hymn book (Hardback)


420 Hymns in a hard back book. Read more

The Lyceum Manual


This Manual is designed to be a thoroughly practical work. inculcating the leading ideas of the progressive and spiritual teachings of the day For use in progressive Lyceums connected with Spiritualists’ Churches and Kindred Bodies. Read more

All about Mediumship - Ursula Roberts


Ursula Roberts (above) was a medium for many years, demonstrating not only throughout Great Britain and Europe but countries as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, Egypt and Finland. Read more

Ancient Magic and Modern Spiritualism


A faithful reproduction of an original publication from The Two Worlds Publishing Co Ltd. Featuring an address delivered at the Winter Soirees in London by Emma Hardinge Britten, on December 4th, 1865. Read more

Harold Sharp Auragraphs - The Complete Collection: Vol 2


One hundred of Harold Sharps Auragraphs spread across two volumes, carefully reproduced from his original journals, this is the first time a definitive collection of Sharps auragraphs have been available in book form. Read more

How to take minutes


For all SNU Churches keeping a record of meetings is a necessary and vital part of being effective. Minutes provide an accurate written record of actions and decisions taken at a meeting for future reference. Read more

Pearls of thought and wisdom


Pearls of thought and wisdom Read more

Guidance for Students


This booklet is designed to help students to improve their study skills whether you are tackling a SNU course after leaving education for a long time or you are a more experienced student and getting along well but have certain areas that you would like to improve. Read more

Autobiography of Emma Hardinge Britten


The extraordinary life of Emma Hardinge Britten, has been a source of inspiration to many Spiritualists throughout the past one hundred and fifty years. This autobiographical account of Emma’s life is both astonishing, interesting, and electrifying to say the least. Read more

Arthur Findlay - On The Edge of the Etheric


Is the spirit world real and tangible? Does it inhabitants retain their individuality? Is it true that spirit people eat? What is the afterlife like? Do dogs, cats and other animals survive physical death? What kind of house do the so-called dead live in? All these questions – and many more are answered simply and frankly in Arthur Findlay’s On the Edge of the Etheric. Read more

Mini Hymn Book


SNU Hymn book Read more

Myths and Misconceptions of Spiritualism - Vi Kipling FSNU


This book is a no holds barred, straight talking, attempt to put the record straight. To open people’s eyes to see that the truth behind Spiritualism is so simple, that there is no death and that there is nothing to fear from those that have gone on before us to that place Spiritualists call the spirit world. Read more

Animals in the Spirit world


The bond of love and loyalty between a human and his or her animal companion can be profound, life-changing and immeasurable. As a consequence, the loss of that beloved animal can be crippling. Harold Sharp’s book explains with gentle simplicity and touching examples why ‘death’ can never sever that uniquely precious bond, and why reunion of human and animal loved ones is not only possible but inevitable. Read more

Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson


Spirit Communication as revealed in the bible - Alfred Kitson Read more