Enrolment Form

TPS1, SH1 and LM1 are included when a candidate enrols on the appropriate accreditation scheme. Only use this form if you are applying for a stand-alone education course.

Personal Details

We will always store your personal details securely. We’ll use them to provide the service that you have requested, and communicate with you in the way(s) that you have agreed to. Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help provide the best service possible. For full details see our privacy policy.

Membership Status
Course Details

All course enrolments take 2-4 weeks to be processed

All education staff are unpaid volunteers who give their time freely to mark your test papers.
Tutors will endeavour to mark and return your test papers in a timely manner. If there is going to be a delay they will inform you.
All educational courses must be started within six months of receiving the course notes and completed within three years
If SH1 or TPS1 are studied as a stand-alone course, it remains valid for five years from date of completion for entry to HAS and PAS.